Take our survey on the effects of COVID-19 on women media professionals one year on

It has been just over 12 months since COVID-19 struck. Its far reaching effects are far from over, and as WAN-IFRA Women in News, we are conducting a follow up survey to understand media professionals’ status one year on. The findings will continue to inform our work and will also be shared globally, while remaining anonymous. It is our hope that we can continue to raise awareness within the wider media industry about the support that is needed through your honest feedback.

The survey will be open until 31 May 2021.

28 Responses

  1. I am greatful to be enrolled in the WIN team. Through this team I have emotional support and resources such as the data access funds. This enables me to conduct research and upgrade my skills further alongside the leadership and gender balancing modules.

  2. The Covid-19 impact has been far-reaching. Since the pandemic, media houses have struggled and still struggles to keep afloat. This has led to massive layoffs in the industry as well as pay cuts. This, coupled with the high cost of living has made survival for journalists very hard. The overall effects of the pandemic could easily lead to depression/mental instability among journalists.

  3. good morning since the covid-19 pandemic the media has not spared . the effects of the pandemic are that there is no face to face interviews ,because media is about going out there and gather information for the masses but now we are redistricted .
    there is no physical interaction which would allow one to tell a good story from peoples reactions .the pandemic has really affected the media industry because a lot of stories have been out shadowed due to the pandemic ,and most stories are just about covid-19.

  4. The media house I was working at, shut down at the onset of covid. The industry is not employing and it has become hard to make money especially with more people turning to the Internet.. Especially here in Kenya. I believe this health pandemic is a true wake up call to the traditional media to adopt online platforms and use them to generate capital.

  5. The media fraternity is among those hugely impacted by the adverse effects of Covid 19.
    Most people including women have lost their job due to massive retrenchment.
    Media houses are struggling to pay salaries to their employees due to a loss in business.
    I know of some colleagues in the industry who have been on half pay since Covid struck and some have not been paid for months.

  6. The covid 19 pandemic has brought alot of devastation and fear among journalists bearing in mind that our job is kind of risky as we are used to interacting with sources.This pandemic can also bring mental instability especially if you are affected or if a loved one is,because of the trauma. For me ,I have been closely hit by covid 19 whereby I lost two of my bosses,shortly after I contracted it and I had to struggle with it for almost two months.
    Despite people having to work from home,being journalists you can not stay home through out because for broadcast producers like me have shifts on radio and TV for example,so you need to make movements hence making the risk high for us.But continued adhering to prevention rules can help and also shifting from our traditional way of gathering content where you avoid physical interactions to using modern ways like online tools…

  7. Covid-19 has brought a new normal to our lives both at home and work. The issue of access to gadgets i think now needs to be addressed, media organizations need to make it mandatory for them to provide their employees with such at least once in 2 or 3 years so that we are able to work from werever. Individually, considering our salaries in this economy, it is tough to afford even a laptop

  8. The impact of COVID 19 has been adversely massive. Jobs cuts,salary cuts, uncertainity of income and forced to go digital. We have also lost colleagues in the line of duty,they contracted the virus.
    We have been gorced to venture into other streams of income in order to survive. It is tough.

  9. Since the onset of covid 19,it has been a bit challenging for us as journalists to get access to some sources and also different places, limiting us from doing detailed and well researched stories.Also,just as in other sectors,media too has been affected financially,making it hard for campanies to retain some of their stuff members.

  10. Covid19 has come as a major blow to freelance journalists with limited reporting opportunities, less income, increased vulnerability due to lack of adequate PPE and an abrupt and rapid shift to digital spaces.The new normal demands adaptive capacity.

  11. COVID-19 has forced us all to take up some form of digital skills. I can proudly say my tech skills have improved, thanks to COVID-19

    1. Being among employees who suffered a 50% pay cut due to Covid, life took a different lane. I couldn’t afford my bills and had to take up side hustles to cater for my needs. Covid 19 has taught me to not to be dependent on my monthly salary thus exploring other avenues that makes up ends meet.

  12. The Covid 19 has brought about physical and mental stress and support to journalists in these areas is necessary.

  13. COVID 19 have brought much of negative effects to us as women in media especially through its restrictions which have limited us

  14. You would notice some media house had to rescue numbers in the newsrooms and it meant some women had to lose their jobs and having to start their careers afresh

  15. Despite being badly affected by the Covid-19 pandemic, we have learnt more on how to conduct our work using digital platforms.

  16. The media house I work for has suspended some activities due to covid-19 pandemic consequences.


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