WINner’s stories: Winnie Najjuma’s WIN journey

By Winnie Najjuma

While starting out on this journey, I honestly did not know what to expect. When I was sending my application, I only did it because I had promised myself to apply for any opportunity that crossed my way. I had seen friends posting about their WIN journeys on social media and I knew this would be one opportunity that I would most likely not be admitted to. Not that I do not believe in myself but I think I had tried so many times and I had not received any positive response. When I received a response email, I had long forgotten about this particular prospect. I remember telling one of my workmates and laughing about how many times we apply for “things” and never get feedback.

At the beginning of the year, I read ‘A Year of Yes’ by Shonda Rhimes and I don’t know why I had shelved this book for long. For me it was just assurance that I had signed up for the right opportunity. It was not just the right opportunity but also this came at the right timing in my life. 

If someone asked me where I saw myself in five years at the beginning of the year, I would most definitely stammer while giving my response. But one thing is clear now, I know where and how I should be. WIN has given me back my feet. On this growth journey I have been given the wings to fly without fear. I do not care how many rejections I will receive, I wake up every day ready to do things that are taking me into a direction of achieving my career goals.

During the first national gathering, I vividly remember a session about self-discovery. This is what I needed to kick start my journey to knowing thyself. Having the ability to give power to myself, deciding and determining my destiny and not learning to say no when there is need to. Being under the WIN program has given me an opportunity to work on my self-improvement. Always looking out for learning and growth opportunities. 

 Throughout this journey, I am very grateful to the learning opportunities I have received. The women are very approachable and willing to share. I am very grateful to my coach, Jackie Asiimwe for all the thought-provoking sessions. For always assuring me that I can pave my way and do all the things I set my mind to achieve. Thank you, coach Jackie, for always checking and making sure that we are on the right track. A big thanks also to the amazing WIN team that is coming up with this wonderful program that is a safe space for women journalists. 

Winnie Najjuma is an Editor at Mixakids newspaper in Uganda.

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