24 WINners receive intensive Media Management Training

Earlier this month, 24 women journalists from Botswana, Zimbabwe, Zambia, Kenya, Tanzania and Malawi took part in the Women In News (WIN) Media Management Training facilitated by Paula Fray, lead trainer at Fray College, and founder of Fray Intermedia, and in partnership with University of Wits’ School of Journalism in Johannesburg, South Africa.

The two-week training, targeting women who are leaders in their respective media organizations was aimed at equipping them with media management skills, which they can utilize once they return to their workplaces.

The training covered topics ranging from advertising, change management, human resource management, marketing and finance for non-finance managers. Moreover, a number of  guest speakers from various South African media houses were invited to share their experiences with the trainees. The speakers spoke of how they are managing their newsrooms in the face of the disruption caused by social media, as well as convergence and dealing with fake news.

The Women In News Media Management Training is part of WIN’s efforts in pushing for gender equality in newsrooms through capacity building for women journalists by providing them with skills required for them to excel in managing media organizations.

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