25 women journalists from Cambodia, Myanmar, and Vietnam have enrolled in the first year of Women In News (WIN) Southeast Asia. The programme launched earlier today in Yangon, Myanmar with a 2-day Media Management Training lead by WIN lead trainer Paula Fray. As part of the training, participants raised and discussed some of the challenges they're facing as women journalists in SEA including convincing editors to send you to the front line to cover conflict, managing family with workplace pressures, as well as lack of access to skills and development opportunities.The training will be followed with the second WIN SEA Summit on 8 February. National Gatherings will be held in their home countries over the next few months; coaching to be launched later on this year.
The Summit will celebrate women leaders who are redefining the media industry and address the major opportunities and challenges to increase women’s leadership and voices in the news media industry. The one-day Summit will feature keynotes and roundtables for a high-octane discussion on power, leadership, and safety of women in the news. Speakers include Maria Ressa, Stella Paul, Tran Le Thuy, and Ei Ei Toe Lwin,